This Blog is Dedicated to Fun on the Farm!

Although our business is sheep, they are part of a huge menagerie of animals that are also our guilty pleasure. Having big hearts for less fortunate animals, we share a lot of space with rescued dogs, cats, llamas, goats, etc. If they need us, we are here for them. Hope you enjoy the Joy they bring to our farm.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

We Have Farm Fresh Eggs

I was tickled pink this morning when I found these two eggs. I tell you folks, these egg shells feel like rocks compared to the ones you buy in the store. Can't wait to have them for breakfast this weekend! Thanks to the Sheila's!!

Hard to break such perfect little eggs!
Not Hard to Eat these DELICIOUS morsels!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Sheila's Up CLose & Personal

The girls are getting very friendly...ok, not friendly, more curious as time goes by. They are growing and provide a source of amusement to the dogs, cats and people. Love these birds!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Handsome Charlie

Our young pup is already 7.5 months of age. He hasn't gotten very big, but has gotten OH SO Handsome. And Smart......this boy listens as if he understands English. We are so very blessed to have this guy.

We have Animal Feng Shui

I am always so proud of the menagerie we have here and how well they get along. We have many breeds, sizes, ages and temperaments, BUT they all seem to care about each other. I love looking out and seeing a yard full of sheep, dogs, cats all hanging together. 
When these two play, it can get very rough
You can tell how trusting the sheep are (Charlie is getting knocked in the noggin...AGAIN)
We pick up A LOT of poop in our yard
I love that I can trust two young dogs to be with pregnant ewe lambs

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Fox & The Hen House

We haven't got our chickens yet, but our resident Fox has decided to check it out. She is actually stealing cat food and does not respond when we yell at her from the deck. She was surprised by a go cart in the drive way today, thus we are wondering if she is the hell do you sneak up on a Fox with a go-cart......
Seen her sneakin in from the living room window
Comes back out & puts some Eau Du Fox Stink by the door
Stands guard by her new found stash of food
I was yelling at her & clapping my hands from the deck, and didn't even get a look

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Had to get a new Camera

When taking pictures in the barn the other day, my $450.00 Canon Titanium got dropped on the lens and broke. I love the Canon Point and Shoot, but chose a less expensive model (to drop again at some point). So had to take some practice shots today....seems to be working well

The Very Important "Close Up" feature is good
The, not so, close up still life....boring
Great Action me this dog never stops moving...
Distance....good, but kind of brown and boring
Distant Shot......wrong setting...I'll get it figured out

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Dog Known as Shy

We have had this beauty since she was 6 weeks old, BUT in the 13 years we have had her, it has been impossible to get photos of her. If she even thinks you have a camera, she's gone. Well, I was on the inside of the window and she couldn't see me, so I got this amazing picture of our elusive Blue Eyed Shy!